Lexicon News Blog

Merger with Wilke, Weiss van Rooyen

We are excited to be able to advise that one of PE’s oldest legal firms, Wilke Weiss van Rooyen, will be joining Lexicon with effect from 1 March this year.

They have been practising since 1925 and bring a rich history and tradition for outstanding values to the merged business.

Peter van Rooyen and Louw Jansen will become Directors of the merged practice which will continue to conduct business under the name Lexicon, but with reference to incorporating Wilke Weiss van Rooyen, at the existing premises in Westbourne Road.

Raymond Weiss will be staying as a Consultant.

Along with a wide general practice, the acquisition of a strong delictual and insurance litigation division adds tremendous diversity to the offering of services to our clients.

Building alterations will be undertaken to accommodate the growth path that we are on and we ask upfront for your indulgence for any inconvenience that might occur in this regard.

These are invigorating times at Lexicon, with this coming hot on the heels of our mergers with Oosthuizen Hazell Wilmot and Daniel Saks last year, and we trust that we will continue to entrench and expand our relationship.

Every effort will be made to discuss this venture personally with all our clients and friends over the next (which are bound to be busy) few weeks.

Until next time.

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